Our young people are highly valued members of our church community and we strive to involve and empower them in every area of church life!

Gospel Communities

We love our young people to be involved in the life of the church at Summerleas in an inter-generational way, primarily through regular Gospel community meetings, but also through extra ministries that we provide.

At Summerleas, we want our Gospel Communities to be places where young people experience Gospel Centred, organic relationships and grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus. We believe that the best way for young people to grow as Christians is through them loving, serving, and relating to a variety of people from little babies right through to the elderly.
For more info on why and how kids engage with Gospel communities click here.


For youth in grades 3-6

Another way we disciple our youth is through Sl'outh. This provides an opportunity for  the Summerleas youth in grade 3 -6 to spend time together as a peer group, whilst at the same time providing the opportunity for them to build relationships and study the Bible with leaders. Sl'outh takes place once a fortnight during school terms. Any questions? email slouthleaders@summerleaschurch.org


For youth in grades 7-10 SYC provides an oppurtunity for youth to come together for some fun and Bible study. SYC happens once a fortnight during school terms. For more information email mrbultman@gmail.com

Young Adults

For youth and young adults in College and Uni there is a group that meets fortnightly for dinner and Bible study on a Sunday night. There are also social gatherings happening throughout the year. For more information contact sarah@summerleaschurch.og