Our mission is to make disciples for Jesus through gospel communities.

 We want to make disciples for Jesus because Jesus has been calling his people to this task since the very beginning (Matthew 28 18-20)!

The more distinctive part of the Summerleas mission is that we seek to make disciples through our gospel communities. This flows from the belief that authentic Christian communities provide a fantastic context for discipleship! In gospel communities we can teach God’s word but also model what it looks like to live God’s word to one another. Not only that but by fostering strong relationships with a diverse group of people we are able to encourage one another, gently correct each other when we need it, and support one other as we seek to share the good news about Jesus.

If you want to know more about Summerleas, our core values and core beliefs, you'll find it all here

If you want a fuller description of what life in Gospel Communities is like, click here.

If you want to know about our current church vision, you'll find that here