Core Values

We value COMMUNITY. We see ourselves as a genuine, loving family. We do church in such a way as to strengthen community and we avoid things that hamper it. We strive to relate to one another the way Jesus relates to us. We celebrate diversity, and this means that everyone matters regardless of race, ability, personality, or how old or young they happen to be. To find out more about our Community value click here and have a listen.
We value Bible based TEACHING. We believe in teaching that challenges us in practical ways and that is relevant to life in 21st century Kingborough. Because we value diversity, our teaching seeks to be accessible to all kinds of people, kids included. We believe in teaching that motivates us through the grace of God so we avoid legalism. To find out more about our Teaching value click here and have a listen.
We value LEADERS that have a vision and want to take us somewhere. We believe in intentional and proactive leadership. It is important that our leaders are accessible, genuine, and foster a high degree of trust. To find out more about our Leadership value click here and have a listen.
We are passionate about God’s MISSION. Whilst we’re far from perfect, we want to grow in our ability to reach out to those who don’t know Jesus. Our relational emphasis flows into the way we approach mission as we reach out to people through relationships in a natural and loving way. We try to do mission together and seek to foster meaningful relationships with our International Mission Partners. To find out more about our Mission value click here and have a listen.
We value our strong DISCIPLESHIP CULTURE. We work hard at helping one another grow in knowledge, love, and service of Jesus. We don’t believe Christians should be merely church spectators. We hold a non-pressured expectation that all our members will be involved and maturing and we set up structures to foster this. We study the Bible together, share wisdom, and try to teach by example as we share our lives with one another. To find out more about our Discipleship value click here and have a listen.